Since the experience from SW company,
I've been very familiar with GNU tools and linux dev. environment, e.g. vim+ctags+cscope and gdb.
Before then, when i was in graduate school,
actually all c based codes had written through Visual Studio.
So now, I need to run a bunch of source codes I wrote more than 2 years ago, in the linux env.
As you know, that codes need some modifications because each of two environments has their own spec.
In progress, I
1. modified header files in order to specify name space
2. gave right linking option (-lm for math functions, -lstdc++ for standard c++ functions)
3. debuged 2 bugs (invalid array indexing, access unallocated memory)
Finally it works on my Ubuntu.
And I'm a little bit surprised to the facts that it works,
and I did this correctly even though I have put my hands and also mind off
from sort of activities as SW developers are doin'.
I got a little confidence, but I even don't know where it came from ^^;